13-6-431/C/52, Ring Road of Mehdipatnam (Pillar No. 102), Hyderabad
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Vivamus scelerisque vulputate congue. Curabitur sit amet varius urna. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque lorem odio, efficitur vel mi eget, placerat dictum diam. Nam at nibh a tellus imperdiet malesuada. Sed non ornare ante. Nam pellentesque, elit eu bibendum vestibulum, orci nunc hendrerit sapien, in tincidunt mi erat non velit.
This is where i would say learning is fun. With #Imran sir beside everything looks very easy. Imran sir has an excellent knowledge in MEP, with Ahmed sir guiding in electrical. Overall i would say your investment on Al-Imran Techno Solutions would not be in vain. I would recommend each and every one to choose Al-Imran Techno Solutions to learn MEP.
Excellent teaching by Imran sir i”m very happy. it is best institute for HVAC and MEP coaching… Thank you sir.
One Of The Best Institute in Hyderabad, I suggest each and every engineer who dreams about MEP should Join here, Excellent Faculty for MEP for Both Theory and Practical, Site Visiting is Also available for Better Understanding of the Subjects, Live Projects. . . I’m sure its more than worth for your money. All The Best
I belong to Mahabubnger One Of The Best Institute in Hyderabad, I suggest each and every engineer who dreams about MEP should Join here, Excellent Faculty for MEP for Both Theory and Practical, Site Visiting is Also available for Better Understanding of the Subjects, Live Projects. . . I’m sure its more than worth for your money.
If anybody wants to know the Deep Knowledge (Work Experience Knowledge) in MEP I would recommend this is “Thr Best Institute In Hyderabad” with Economic Fee Structure. Excellent Teaching and Drafting Facility is provided by Imran Sir. I strictly recommend to each and Evey Mechanical/Electrical Engineer who wants to become a Great MEP Engineer, this is the Right platform to Achieve Your Goals.Thank you so much Imran Sir For Developing My Knowledge. . . .
This is Nisar Ahmed from Hyderabad , I would like to thank the faculty from Al-Imran training institute for the most excellent HVAC and mep training. Alhumduillah learned a lot
This is Muheeb from Khammam. I got best teaching here in al.imran institute. Alhamdulillah. I’m satisfied here. jazakallah team al.imram 🙂
I belong to Mahabubnagar and I successfully joined Al Imran Techno Solutions. Excellent teaching by Imran sir and also all teaching faculty i”m very happy. it is best institute for HVAC and M coaching… thank you sir.
I joined Al Imran Techno Solutions .Excellent teaching by Imran sir and also all teaching faculty i”m very happy. it is best institute for HVAC and MEP coaching… thank you sir. I Belongs to Mahabubnagar
Al-Imran techno Solutions are working hard for my mep course they are making us good learning and practicing us real time projects all sirs are gulf returns with experience of 10 yrs.